(207) 495-2321 Every Student, Every School, Every Day
RSU18 Content


Welcome to BCS!  It was so great to see everyone’s smiling faces this morning :). My name is Jamie Wade and I am the counselor at Belgrade Central School.  I am looking forward to this being my 10th year here!  I will be in each classroom weekly to provide lessons based on kindness, social skills, emotion regulation and much more.  In addition to classroom lessons, I am available to support students through both individual and group meetings depending on their needs.  Thank you so much for sharing your child(ren) with us, BCS is a very special place to be!

Please feel free to reach out at any time to discuss your child.  If you are currently experiencing any needs related to clothing, food, shelter, or other basic needs, please contact me and I will do my best to connect you with the appropriate resources.

Thank you!

E-mail: jwade@rsu18.org

Phone: 495-2321 Ext. 6213

Jamie Wade, LCPC


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