(207) 495-2321 Every Student, Every School, Every Day
RSU18 Content


Wow! Where has this year gone?! These last few weeks of school can be very busy with sports schedules, commitments, and end of year activities. While much of this can be a fun and exciting time for students, it can also be a time in which some students may experience some feelings of worry regarding the upcoming transitions and the changes in their daily schedules. Keeping your child’s schedules and routines as consistent as possible can be helpful in addition to supporting them in sharing any concerns or questions they may have. I wish all of the best to our current 5th graders in their transition to Middle School! Have a fun summer 🙂

Please feel free to reach out at any time to discuss your child.  If you are currently experiencing any needs related to clothing, food, shelter, or other basic needs, please contact me and I will do my best to connect you with the appropriate resources.

Thank you!

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: 495-2321 Ext. 6213

Jamie Wade, LCPC


Coming Events at Belgrade Central

Upcoming Events

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