Second Annual Young Reader’s Week – BCS 2019
Founded by Pizza Hut and the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress in 1989, National Young Readers Week has been an annual event held during the second week of November to raise awareness around the importance of reading. This is Belgrade Central’s second year of using this week to spread the love of reading around our school community.
Each teacher scheduled events throughout the week to highlight reading, and we also participated in some school-wide events. On Thursday, November 14th grades K-2 and grades 3-5 each held a “Read-In” event where they all gathered together in the gym to “get cozy and read” for a period of time. Blankets were spread out everywhere, kids were snuggled up with their friends and favorite books, and we all read together! Mrs. “Bacon” brought along her special friend “Mrs. Sunnyside Up” to join in on the fun!!
On Friday, November 15th, the whole school participated in a Book Parade, allowing students to dress up as their favorite book characters, carry their favorite books, and spread the love of books up and down our hallways.
Other events and things you could see around the school were bookmark projects, decorated doors, guest readers in classrooms, math literacy (students finding math concepts in picture books), and whole day “read-ins” feeding off our school-wide events.
This was a great way to bring the school together around the love of books!
Written by Jenna Zemrak