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Drop-off/Pick-up procedures for Grades K-5 at BCS

Welcome and thank you for sharing your child with us!  The school’s administration, faculty, and staff here at Belgrade Central School are eager to start a new year, and we have been busily preparing for the months ahead.

Much of that preparation has been in the form of renovating and improving our parking lots and front entrance, adding a new entrance and exit route and developing a plan for parent drop-off and pick-up before and after school.

For many years, car, bus, and pedestrian traffic have shared the same small area at the front of our building.  As a result of a current RSU 18 bond, a major renovation project was completed over the summer that now separates car and bus traffic before and after school.  The result will be better traffic flow and a much safer way for our students to enter and leave the building.

I have attached some photos that will help you follow directions on how and where cars will enter and exit our facility.  These photos show the entrance and exit for both buses and cars.  We will have school personnel out on the first day to help with this process.

Before school, all bus students will enter our building through the front entrance. Bus students will also load buses at the end of the day through the same doors.  Students being dropped off and/or picked up after school by vehicles will now enter the building through the cafeteria double door entrance to the rear of the building. Exit at the end of the day will be through the small door that is part of our cafeteria, also located at the rear of the building. Staff members will be present when students are dropped off and again when students are picked up at the end of the day.

When students are picked up, adults will remain in their vehicles. A staff member will radio to an adult in the cafeteria to send out the appropriate students being picked up by each vehicle in the line.

Drop-off time in the morning is between 7:30 and 8:00.  Any student arriving at school after 8:00 will need to be dropped off at our front entrance, ring the buzzer for building entrance, and check-in at the office for a late pass.  A parent should accompany the student to the office. In addition, any student being picked up prior to 2:15 will need to be picked up at the front entrance.

Pick-up time after school is between 2:30-2:45. The front entrance will be closed to vehicles other than buses after 2:15.  Please try to arrive during the designated time.

This is still a work in progress.  Change is always difficult, but we are working hard to make everything flow as smoothly as possible, keep parents informed, and most importantly, keep our students safe.


We are looking forward to a great school year!


Key Points:

  • Bus, vehicle, and pedestrian traffic has been separated at BCS.
  • The front entrance from 7:15 a.m.-8:00 a.m. and from 2:15 p.m.-3:30 p.m. is for bus traffic only.
  • Parent drop-off is from 7:30 a.m.-8:00 a.m. at the double cafeteria doors.
  • Parent pick-up is from 2:30 p.m.-2:45 p.m. at the single cafeteria exit door.
  • Parents should not have to leave vehicles when dropping off or picking up students as staff members will be present both in the morning and the afternoon.
  • Students that arrive after 8:00 a.m. will enter the building through the front entrance and report to the main office for a late pass. Parents need to accompany students to the main office.
  • Students dismissed prior to 2:15 p.m. will exit through the front entrance.

Staff parking. Please fill these parking spaces first.

Parent drop-off and pick-up before and after school. Students will be brought out to waiting cars after school. Parents can remain in the vehicle. Please follow traffic flow arrow. 


Left side: Parent entrance and exit before and after school Right side: Bus exit only before and after school.


Top arrow: Bus traffic only before and after school. Parent drop-off and pick-up between 8:05 and 2:15 only. Bottom arrow: Parent drop-off and pick-up entrance and exit before and after school.

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