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RSU18 Content

Student Wellness Passport at BCS

The wellness initiative is happily spreading to our students!  In response to the district’s Lifestyles Challenge and wellness passport, BCS 5th grade teacher Kristen Pietri decided it would be good for her students to have something similar to work on over April vacation.

She got permission from the district Lifestyles team to modify the staff passport to make it more appealing for students while still encouraging them to participate in healthy, engaging activities that would benefit them and their families.

“It was aimed to steer them away from electronics and toward more face-to-face activity,” said Pietri. If at least half the class participated, it was agreed that the whole class would take part in a wellness activity such as an in-school cooking project, game, or STEM project after the break.

Over half the class did participate and even actively worked on challenges they thought would be impossible, such as no screen time two hours before bed.

The RSU 18 administration and the Lifestyles team are currently looking to create a district-wide summer challenge for students with a focus on wellness, nutrition, and academics.



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